@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010427, author = {西, 基}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {看護学を学ぶ男子学生は,しばしば学生生活上の困難を経験することから,「政府統計の窓口」に公表されている資料を元に,最近数年間の大学・短期大学3年課程・看護師3年課程それぞれにおいて,入学者がストレートで卒業する割合などを,男女別に推定した.いずれにおいても,卒業者およびストレートで卒業した者における男子学生の割合は有意に少なく,卒業延期者や前年度卒業延期者においては,男子学生の割合は有意に多かった.男子学生のストレート卒業率は,大学で87.1%,短期大学3年課程では79.3%,看護師3年課程では77.7%で,いずれも女子学生より有意に低かった.男子学生に対しては,教員や職員の様々な支援が必要であると考えられた., It is said that male students in a nursing school have various difficulties on leading their school life. Using the data on the internet published by the Japanese Government, graduation rates of male students from 3 kinds of nursing school (university, junior college of 3-year course, and vocational school of 3-year course). In all of these schools, rates of male students within graduates and within those who graduated in 3 (or 4) years were significantly low. Rates of male students within those who could not graduate and within those who could not graduate in the previous year were significantly high. 87.1% of male students graduated from a university in 4 years, 79.3%, from a junior college in 3 years, and 77.7% from a vocation school in 3 years. All of these rates were significantly lower than those of female students. Various supports to male students from professors and staffs are necessary.}, pages = {3--7}, title = {男子看護学生の卒業率の推定}, volume = {10}, year = {2014} }