@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010428, author = {小林, 道 and 志渡, 晃一}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {目的:本研究は新規採用の陸上自衛官を対象として,朝食習慣とその関連要因について明らかにすることを目的とした.方法:2012年4月に北海道内で新規採用された陸上自衛官256名を対象として,2012年12月〜1月に自記式質問紙法による調査を行った.解析対象は男性234名とした.結果:朝食を欠食する習慣を持つ者の割合は39.6%であった.朝食を欠食する習慣を持つ者の特徴として,喫煙習慣がある,適正な睡眠時間の確保ができていない,過食をする,家族の支援が少ない,仕事と仕事以外の両立ができていない,CES-D得点が高い,SOC得点が低いことが示唆された.結論;新規採用の陸上自衛官の朝食習慣には,生活習慣や精神的健康が関連していることが明らかとなった.朝食習慣は他の生活習慣と比較して健康保持における重要な要因と考えられる.加えて,朝食習慣がある者は家族関係が良好であることが可能性として示唆された., Objectives: This study aimed to clarify the relationship between their breakfast habit and the related health determinant factors among newly employed soldiers of the Japan Grand Self - Defense Forces (JGSDF). Methods: Between December 2012 and January 2013, we conducted self-administered questionnaire survey on 256 samples of the above-mentioned JGSDF privates employed in Hokkaido. Analysis was, thereafter, performed with a focus to 234 male respondents. Results: Regarding the habit in meals, the rate in skipping breakfast among respondents was found to be 39.6%. Some important characteristics related to life style and personal background were detected in the respondents, who do not regularly have breakfast. Those were 01…Smoking habit, 02.…Short sleep, 03…Work-life imbalance, 04…Habit of overeating, 05…Lack of mental support by there family, 06…High score in CES-D, 07…Low score in SOC. Conclusion: Skipping breakfast was related to lifestyle and mental health in newly registered JGSDF soldiers. Compared with other habits, habit related to breakfast was found to be a determinant factor for good health. In addition, suggest the possibility that good relationship with there family in have a habit of eating breakfast.}, pages = {9--14}, title = {新規採用陸上自衛官における入隊前の朝食習慣とその関連要因}, volume = {10}, year = {2014} }