@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011113, author = {福間, 麻紀}, issue = {27}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部紀要, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido Journal of nursing and social services}, month = {Dec}, note = {貧困状態を経験した子どもに不足している力(非認知的スキル・社会情動的スキル)とその養成に必要な支援を明らかにするために、児童養護施設長への調査を実施した。その結 果、児童養護施設の施設長がこれまでの実践を通して、貧困状態にある子どもに不足していると認識している力は、「自分を知る力」「継続する力」「マネジメントする力」「将来を見通す力」の概念で構成される「目的達成力」、「他者を信じる力」「関係を作る力」「自分を表現する力」の概念で構成される「協調力」、「挑戦する力」「自分を信じる力」「問題を解決する力」「他者を頼る力」の概念で構成される「苦境に立ち向かう力」であった。また、これらの力は相互に関連しており、いずれかの力の養成には他の力を要し、得られた力が次の力の養成につながっていることが明らかとなった。それらの力の養成に必要な支援として、「目的達成力」に対しては、「現実を受け止めるための支援」「ロールモデルの存在」などの12の支援、「協調力」に対しては、「愛着の形成」「時間をかけて関係を作る」などの9 つの支援、「苦境に立ち向かう力」に対しては、「楽しい経験の提供」「自分だけのためと思える支援」などの12の支援が抽出された。児童養護施設ではこれらの支援が日常的な関わりや支援のなかに含まれており、児童養護施設の本来の施設機能が非認知的スキルの養成に貢献していることが確認された。非認知 的スキルの養成はそのスキルに特化したプログラム等による直線的な支援で行われるものではなく、職員との関わりを含めた子どもが生活する環境を、非認知的スキルを身に着けることに適切な状態にすることが必要である。, A survey was conducted involving the directors of residential children's homes to understand limitations (with regard to noncognitive skills/socioemotional skills) of children with an experience of poverty and to provide the necessary support for developing these abilities. The results revealed three abilities that the directors of residential children's homes, through their practices to date, perceived to be deficient in children with an experience of poverty. These abilities included the“ goal accomplishment ability,” comprising the concepts of“ self-knowledge ability,”“ perseverance,”“ management ability,” and “future forecasting ability;” “cooperative ability,” comprising “ability to trust others,” “relationship-building ability,” and “self-expression ability;” and “ability to face adversity,” including “ability to take on challenges,”“ ability to believe in oneself,”“ problem-solving ability,” and“ ability to rely on others.” In addition, findings showed that these abilities are interrelated, other abilities are essential to develop any one ability, and the obtained abilities promote the development of others. For developing these abilities, twelve types of support were identified as essential for “goal accomplishment,” including“ support for the acceptance of reality” and“ presence of role models;” nine types for “cooperative ability,” including “attachment formation” and “building relationships over time;” and twelve types for“ ability to face adversity,” including“ providing enjoyable experiences” and “apparently individually focused support.” The study confirmed that these types of support are included in routine interactions and support at the residential children's homes and that the original functions of residential children's homes contribute to the development of noncognitive skills. Rather than attempting to foster noncognitive skills through directly oriented support, such as specialized programs for individual skills, creating suitable conditions for inculcating noncognitive skills in children's everyday environments, including interaction with staff at the home, is necessary.}, pages = {27--37}, title = {貧困を経験した子どもの非認知的スキルと児童養護施設における支援に関する一考察}, year = {2020} }