@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000253, author = {Shaun, HOGGARD}, issue = {30}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部紀要, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido Journal of nursing and social services}, month = {Dec}, note = {Japan, facing an ageing population and a shortage of healthcare professionals, is increasingly attempting to rely on foreign nurses to address these challenges. This overview examines the role of foreign nurses in Japan’s healthcare sector and the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). EPAs have played a significant role in facilitating the entry of foreign nurses into Japan’s healthcare system, promoting international cooperation, and addressing labour shortages. This report delves into the impact of EPAs on the recruitment of foreign nurses. It also discusses the issues associated with retaining those nurses in the long term.}, pages = {21--25}, title = {Integrating Foreign Healthcare Workers into the Japanese Healthcare System: An Overview}, year = {2023} }