@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000256, author = {竹生, 礼子}, issue = {30}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部紀要, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido Journal of nursing and social services}, month = {Dec}, note = {研究目的:本研究は、町内会単位で緩和ケアを普及・啓発するプログラムの効果を評価することを目的とした。 研究方法:対象者は、北海道内のA-都市、B-都市近郊、C-農村に住む20歳以上の住民とし、3 地域において準実験的介入研究を行った。認知症・緩和ケアに関する学習コース(以下啓発群)95名(有効回答数93名)と、認知症・介護予防体操の学習コース(以下非啓発群)59名(有効回答数58名)に対し、緩和ケアに対するイメージ・知識について自記式調査票にて回答を求め、啓発群と非啓発群間の比較、啓発群の学習前後比較を行った。 結果:啓発群・非啓発群ともに、参加前は「緩和ケアについて意味をよく知らない」が約6 割、「ことばを聞いたことがない」が約5 割であった。啓発群では、「緩和ケアは診断の早期から受けるもの」ととらえていた人が1 割に満たなかったが、学習会後には5 割に増えた。さらに学習後には約7 割が「必要時には緩和ケアを受けたいと思う」と答えた。「希望が持てる」「手厚い世話が受けられる」の回答は増え、「自宅では受けられない」が減った。「多額な費用がかかる」との回答は前後ともに約3 割あり学習によっても変化がなかった。 考察:町内会単位での緩和ケアの啓発によって、住民が当事者になった際に早い段階から緩和ケアを選択する可能性が広がったと言える。効果はある程度認められたが、啓発プログラムの内容の検討が必要である。, Purpose: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of promotional program in palliative in raising awareness of palliative care and to consider an effective promotional program model for small communities. Method: 154 adults in three different regions in Hokkaido participated in this semi-interventional study. The participants chose one of two programs - palliative care education (experimental group) including lectures on the principles of palliative care with the use of visual materials or preventive physical exercise (control group). Pre data was collected by the means of a questionnaire – experiences of palliative care, attitudes including feeling and meaning towards palliative care from both group and post data was collected from the experimental group. For the experimental group, pre and post data were compared. Each variable between two groups was analyzed by the chi-square. Results: 95 people participated in the experimental group and 59 people are in the control group. From the pre data, more people in the experimental group head of ‘palliative care’ and understood its meaning, however, no difference was found in both group regarding the image of palliative care. From the post data, more people consider palliative care‘ hope’,‘ great care’ and‘ able to receive from the beginning. Also, people who want to receive palliative care as needed increased from 43% to 67% , and who believe palliative care do not offer at home decreased from 45.2% to 5 % . Conclusion: The result indicates that promoting program for small communities has positive effects on the image of palliative care, helps a deeper understanding of palliative care and expands the possibility to choose palliative care as it needed. This type of program can be applied as a community based reach out program.}, pages = {47--54}, title = {町内会単位で緩和ケアを普及・啓発するプログラムの効果評価}, year = {2023} }