@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006783, author = {薄井, 明 and USUI, Akira}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), 「隣接ペア」は会話分析の最重要概念となっており、疑問の余地のないものであるかのように長く扱われてきたが、その定義はかなり形式化されたものであり、それゆえの曖昧さを伴っている。その結果、隣接ペアは一様なものと見なされてきた。この形式的な一様性に対し、隣接ペアを定式化したシェグロフ自身が3つのペア・タイプを区別している。確かに、彼の見方は発話間の関係を理解するうえでは有用だが、隣接ペア相互の関係や隣接ペアと会話全体との関係を分析するにはあまり役に立たない。そこで、会話構造という観点を導入することによって、個々の隣接ペアの独自性を明確にし、会話の全体構造の見取り図に位置づけることが可能になる。, Adjacency pairs have become one of the most inportant notions in Conversation Analysis (CA) , and have long been treated as if they were unquestionalbe, but CA's definition of them is really formalistic and therefore is loose. Consequently, adjacency pairs have been considered nearly uniform. To break this formal uniformity, E. Schegloff, who formulated the denfinition, tried distinguishing among the three pair-types. Indeed his viewpoint about pair-type is useful to grasp the relationships between utterances, but is almost useless to analyze the conections between adjacency pairs and the relationships of some adjacency pair to an overall conversation a part of which it constitutes. Instead, the viewpoint of conversation strucure would enable us to find the identity of each adjacency pair and locate some of the adjacency pairs on a "sketch map" of the structre of an overall conversation.}, pages = {75--82}, title = {「隣接ペア」再考}, volume = {14}, year = {2007} }