@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006841, author = {木村, 亜由美 and 森, 壽子 and 川崎, 美香 and 森, 尚彫 and 黒田, 生子 and 藤本, 政明 and 富澤, 彩 and KIMURA, Ayumi and MORI, Toshiko and KAWASAKI, Mika and MORI, Naoe and KURODA, Seiko and FUJIMOTO, Masaaki and TOMIZAWA, Aya}, journal = {北海道医療大学心理科学部研究紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), We researched the developmental problems on a case of deaf child with autism, and compared his development with a case of deaf-single child. We followed the cases through the training in our clinic since age of 3 to the age of 6, and assessed them by the developmental test of Enjhoji, and Tanaka-Binet intelligence Scale, and we also assessed them by WISC-III for reference at finally. In the case-B; the deaf-single child, he could catch up with the normal level on all developmental abilities assessed by these tests. In the case-A; the deaf child with autism, it was remarkable that the retardation of the abilities of transferable-movement, the emotional development, the verbal-intelligence. It was suggested that such retardations of case-A were mainly caused by the autism, in spite of he had started wearing hearing-aids from age of 1.}, pages = {71--76}, title = {聾に自閉症を合併した一重複障害児の発達上の問題 : 聾単独例との比較}, volume = {2}, year = {2006} }