@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006960, author = {木浪, 智佳子 and KINAMI, Chikako}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本研究の目的は,外来通院で緩和的化学療法を受けるがん患者の社会的側面に生じる影響を明らかにすることである.外来通院中の消化器がん患者9名に対し半構成的面接を行い,データの内容から外来通院で治療を継続することによって生じる社会的側面への影響について分析した結果,「従来の役割が維持できる」「治療中の気晴らしの選択肢がある」「気楽で気兼ねがない」「周囲の人の支援や助言を取り入れやすい」「家族や友人とつながりを持つ安堵と喜び」という外来通院での治療を肯定的にとらえる項目と,「リザーバー管理の負担」「就業の制限」「経済的な負担」といった治療継続に困難を来たす項目が抽出された.限られた時間で大勢の患者と関わる外来施設において,緩和的化学療法を安楽で効果的に継続していくための看護援助への示唆が得られた., Purpose : The purpose of this qualitative research is to identify the impact on the daily life of people receiving chemotherapy in the outpatient setting. Method : The participants were 9 outpatients who are receiving chemotherapy at a metropolitan general hospital. Data was collected by interviewing the participants using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed qualitatively. Results : The participants identified several advantages and disadvantages in receiving chemotherapy in the outpatient setting that allows them to live at home. The advantages included being able to continue their role within the family, having more options for diversion, being more comfortable and less feeling constraint, and more accessible to the help and advice from their own families and friends. The disadvantages were the possible burden for the family such as the management of infusion and the increase of medical expenses, the restriction of the daily life activities and work.}, pages = {15--20}, title = {外来通院で緩和的化学療法を受けるがん患者の社会的側面への影響}, volume = {3}, year = {2007} }