@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007001, author = {小野, 善昭 and 高橋, 章子 and 佐々木, 重幸 and Ono, Yoshiaki and Takahashi, Akiko and Sasaki, Shigeyuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 開腹術患者の術中・帰室時の体温変化と関連要因を明らかにする目的で,20歳以上・全身麻酔・仰臥位で消化器系の開腹術を受けた74名を対象として,術前・術中・帰室時の体温変化と基本属性,手術関連情報を解析した.また術前体温(BT_1)と帰室時体温(BT_2)を比較し,ΔBT(BT_2-BT_1)<0となった群を体温低下群(n=34),ΔBT≧0の群を体温非低下群(n=40)として検討し以下の結果を得た.1.体温非低下群で体表面積,肥満度,手術時間(234±82 vs 179±73分)が有意に高値であった(p<0.01).2.重回帰分析では体表面積借と手術時間がΔBT値に有意に影響する因子(p<0.01)であった.3.手術開始1時間の体温がBT_1より低値の場合,概ね術中,帰室時も体温が低く経過した.体表面積が小さく手術時間が短い患者は帰室時低体温の傾向が強く,手術開始1時間後の体温がその予測指標になると思われる., A retrospective analysis was made to determine clinical factors influencing perioperative body temperature alterations in patients undergoing laparotomy. Demographic data, body temperature (BT) before, during, and after surgery were collected from medical records of 74 patients aged over 20 undergoing laparotomy under general anesthesia due to gastrointestinal disease in a spine position. Patients were divided into the following two groups according to the difference between preoperative BT (BT_1) and BT at the return to the ward (BT_2) : Group 1 ; BT decreased group (n=34) defined as ΔBT(BT_2-BT_1)<0, Group 2 ; BT not-decreased group (n=40) defined as ΔBT≧0. Results : 1) Body Surface Area, Body Mass Index, operative time were significantly higher in Group 1 than those in Group 2. 2) Multi-regression analysis indicated Body Surface Area and operative time as significant factors influencingΔBT. When BT at 60 minutes after the start of surgery was decreased compared to BT 1, intraoperative and BT 2 were also decreased compared to BT 1 in most cases. Patients with low Body Surface Area and shorter operative time have tendency to suffer lower BT at the end of surgery, which may be predicted by the BT at 60 minutes after the start of surgery.}, pages = {23--28}, title = {開腹術患者の体温変化が回復過程に与える影響(第一報) : 術中の体温推移と帰室時体温の関連について}, volume = {5}, year = {2009} }