@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007002, author = {小野, 善昭 and 高橋, 章子 and 佐々木, 重幸 and Ono, Yoshiaki and Takahashi, Akiko and Sasaki, Shigeyuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 開腹術患者の術後の体温変化とそれに関連した身体的・精神的問題を検討する目的で,20歳以上・全身麻酔・仰臥位で消化器系の開腹術を受けた74名を対象として,帰室時から約21時間後までの体温変化と手術関連情報,術後経過を解析した.また術前体温(BT_1)と帰室時体温(BT_2)を比較しΔBT(BT_2-BT_1)<0となった群を体温低下群(n=34),ΔBT≧0の群を体温非低下群(n=40)として検討し以下の結果を得た.1)低下群(34名中18名)は非低下群(40名中12名)に比べ有意に不眠の訴えが多く(p<0.05),シバリングなど術後の体温低下に伴う症状が多く出現しており,術中の体温低下が術後にも影響を及ぼす示唆が得られた.2)低下群・非低下群ともに帰室後37.8℃前後まで上昇するが,低下群では術後の体温変動も大きく,不眠やシバリングなどの症状発現を予測した対応および経過観察が必要である., To examine postoperative body temperature (BT) alterations and relevant physical and mental complications, postoperative records of BT and clinical courses until approximately 21 hours after surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Study subjects were 74 patients aged over 20 undergoing laparotomy under general anesthesia due to gastrointestinal disease in a spine position. Patients were divided into the following two groups according to the difference between preoperative BT (BT 1) and BT at the return to the ward (BT_2) : Group 1 ; BT decreased group (n=34) defined as ΔBT(BT_2-BT_1)<0, Group 2 ; BT not-decreased group (n=40) defined as ΔBT≧O. Results : 1) Insomnia was found more often in Group 1 (18 of 34 patients) than in Group 2 (12 of 40 patients) (p<0.05). Shivering was also recorded more often in Group I. These results suggest that intraoperative BT decrease may affect postoperative courses and BT alterations. 2) Most patients of both groups experienced rises in BT up to around 37.8 degree, but the range of postoperative BT changes was larger in Group 1. Postoperative courses in patients of Group 1 should be observed more carefully because these patients may often suffer from insomnia and shivering.}, pages = {29--37}, title = {開腹術患者の体温変化が回復過程に与える影響(第二報) : 術後の体温推移と身体的・精神的諸問題について}, volume = {5}, year = {2009} }