@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007040, author = {武市, 浩之 and Takeichi, Hiroyuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本研究では,北海道内市町村への調査を基に,成年後見制度及び利用支援事業の実態について把握することを目的とした.有効回答を得た83市町村のうち,45.8%で利用支援事業を実施している一方,54.2%は実施しておらず,未実施群のうち42.2%は今後も実施は考えていないとの回答であった.実施状況では,平成18年度から20年度の市町村長申立て件数で約2.2倍,利用支援事業助成実績(申立費用)では約9倍の増加がみられた.未実施の理由では,ニーズが少ないとする回答が多かった.成年後見制度や利用支援事業は,その重要性が理解される一方,財政的負担拡大の懸念は,実施群,未実施群共通の課題であり,権利擁護推進には,国や道による積極的な財政的支援が不可欠である.また,市町村が自信をもって相談対応するためには,バックアップする協力体制も必要であり,専門性を補完するための専門職団体との連携が重要である., The aim of this questionnaire to Hokkaido municipalities was to understand better the circumstances surrounding the adult guardianship and support system. Among those responding to this survey, 45.8% are now participating in the program and 52.8% are not. Among the latter group, 42.2% responded that they have no plans to do so in the future. Among participants, both the number of additional applications and supplementary grants showed a marked increase. Conspicuously, the non-participant group showed less need for such assistance. Bearing in mind the importance of this adult guardianship and support system, it can be said that financial anxieties are common to both participants and non-participants. Positive financial support at the national and prefectural levels will be indispensible for the program's effective advocacy. Moreover, in order for the municipalities to provide consultation with full confidence, they will require backup cooperation; they will need supplemental coordination from groups of competent specialists.}, pages = {5--12}, title = {北海道における成年後見制度利用支援事業の現状と課題}, volume = {7}, year = {2011} }