@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007458, author = {中出, 修 and 大内, 知之 and 関, 智香子 and 菅野, 秀俊 and 阿部, 英二 and 賀来, 亨 and 奥山, 富三}, issue = {1}, journal = {東日本歯学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), This study is based on an analysis of oral biopsy specimens that were diagnosed histopatologically in the Department of Oral Pathology .School of Dentistry, HIGASHI-NIPPON -GAKUEN UNIVERSITY from 1979-1989. 1. The total number of specimens during the ten years were 503 (dental hospital: 363, other personal dental clinics: 140), it corresponding to 440 cases (patients). 2 . There were 224 men, 210 women, and 6 unknown. 3. The most common cases were radicular cysts 11.1%(49 cases), the second dental granuloma 9.5% (42 cases), followed by fibroma (fibrous polyp) 7.7% (34 cases). 4. The largest group of all specimens were cysts(35.7%), the second inflammatory lesions (28.0%), followed by tumors(26.6%) . 5. About 80% of oral tumors were benign and about 20% were malignant. Of 24 cases with malignant tumors, the majority were squamous cell carcinoma(20 cases, 87%), followed by malignant melanoma(2 cases,8.7%), verrucous carcinoma(1 case,4.3%), and clear cell carcinoma(1 case,4.3%). 6. About 13% of all oral tumors were odontogenic tumors, and the most common were ameloblastoma(8 cases,53.3%), followed by odontoma(5 cases,33.3%), and cementifying fibroma(2 cases, 13.3%). 7. The most common cases of specimens from other dental clinics were radicular cysts (23 cases, 16.4%), the second fibroma (fibrous polyp) (17 cases, 12.1%), and followed by dental granuloma(15 cases, 10.1%).}, pages = {39--46}, title = {<原著>東日本学園大学歯学部口腔病理学教室における10年間の病理組織診断の統計的検討}, volume = {8}, year = {1989} }