@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007525, author = {小原, 伸子 and 武田, 正子 and OBARA, Nobuko and TAKEDA, Masako}, issue = {2}, journal = {東日本歯学雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 胎生11日から14日のマウス胎仔における神経と臼歯歯胚の立体的位置関係を渡銀法で染色した連続切片の観察により明らかにした。胎生11歯歯胚の分化の兆候は口腔上皮の僅皮の僅かな肥厚として認められるが, その肥厚部分へ向かって伸びる神経線維はまだみられれなかった。胎生12日目になると歯胚を形成する上皮はより厚さを増し, そこへ向かって伸びる神経線維が初めて観察された。胎生12日目から13日目にかけて歯胚にかけて歯胚の基底部に到達した神経は分枝して神経叢を形成し, 胎生14日目には一部が帽状期歯胚の歯小嚢に侵入するが, 歯乳の侵入はまだ認められなかった。以上の観察から, 歯胚へ向かう神神経の伸長は歯胚形成開始後に始まることが明らかになった。歯胚への神経侵入の経過は発生過程の末梢器官への神経侵入の機構を研究する上で有用なモデルであるとおもわれる。, The topography of nerves and first molar tooth germs in 11-14-day embryos was studied using silver-impregnated serial sections. Nerve fibers growing toward the developing tooth germ became visible on the 12th day,while the first sign of molar tooth differentiation was found as a thickening of the oral epithelium in 11-day embryos. From the 12th to 13th day the nerve fibers spread,forming a plexus close to the base of the tooth bud, and on the 14th day some entered into the dental follicle of the tooth germ at the early cap stage.However, no nerve fiber was found growing into the dental papilla during the observation period. The observations showed that the earliest nerve fibers running toward the tooth forming area appeared after the histogenesis of the tooth germ started, and the timing and pattern of the innervation of the tooth germs revealed that tooth germs are a useful model for investigating the mechanism of nerve growth into developing peripheral organs.}, pages = {115--124}, title = {Innervation of mouse molars during the early stages of tooth germ development}, volume = {8}, year = {1989} }