@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008046, author = {西村, 学子 and 荒井, 滋朗 and 越智, 眞理 and 大内, 知之 and 安彦, 善裕 and 金澤, 正昭 and 武藤, 壽孝 and 川上, 譲治 and 賀来, 亨}, issue = {2}, journal = {東日本歯学雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), Granular cell tumor of the tongue in a 56-year-old female is reported including details of ultrastructural findings. The patient was referred to our hospital, because of tumor lesion at the left lateral border of the tongue Histopathologically, the lesion was composed of cells having the eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. The tumor cells were arranged in clusters, strands and alveolar patterns. Also these cells were observed surround the terminal nerves. Electron microscopic findings showed the numerous granules with various electron density of the cytoplasm. The high electron-dense structure, the assembly of small granules, the angulate body-like structures and the myelin-like bodies could be seen in those granules. Those observation supported the opinion that the tumor was derived from Schwann cells.}, pages = {259--264}, title = {<臨床>舌側縁部に発生した顆粒細胞腫の1例}, volume = {13}, year = {1994} }