@article{oai:hsuh.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009227, author = {田中, いずみ and Tanaka, Izumi}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道医療大学看護福祉学部学会誌, Journal of School of Nursing and Social Services, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本研究の目的は,がん患者が再発・転移後に見いだす希望の内容とその希望を見いだすための要因を明らかにすることである.再発もしくは転移の診断を受けた10名の患者を対象に半構成的な面接法を用いてデータを収集し,質的帰納的分析を行った.分析の結果,転移・再発後の希望には【もう少し生きる】【自分らしさの表現】が見いだされた.希望を見いだす要因では,【生きられる時間を意識する】【生きる気力が持てない程の気持ちの落ち込み】【心の負担をかけない】【生きるための理由を持つ】【生きる気力を集める】【新たな自分らしさの発見】が得られた.対象者は,がんの再発・転移により生きる気力を持てないほどの衝撃を受け,これまでのような希望を抱けない状況になると言える.そこで対象者は,今を生きるエネルギーを得られる方略をとりながら,新たな希望を見いだしていると考えられる., This study aims at understanding the hopes that patients with metastatic or recurrent cancer find in their lives. Psychological factors that encourage the patients to have renewed hopes are also clarified. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten patients, and the interview results were qualitatively and inductively analyzed. Patients with metastatic or recurrent cancer find hope in the possibility of staying alive and/or in the pursuit of a way to express their individuality in their daily lives. They reported being able to keep their hopes for the following reasons. ・They are strongly aware of the time they have left. ・They once were terribly depressed and lost the will to live. ・They try to minimize their mental distress. ・They try to find reasons for staying alive. ・The try to regain mental vigor for staying alive. ・They can reaffirm their identity. The patients suffered a tremendous shock and once lost their will to live. After the metastasis or recurrence of cancer, they were no longer able to keep the hopes that they used to have in their lives. Under such circumstances, they sought a rationale/motivation for living in the present and for finding renewed hopes.}, pages = {39--47}, title = {再発・転移後のがん患者が見いだす希望とその希望を見いだすための要因}, volume = {8}, year = {2012} }